Our Park Rules set out what a visitor is (and isn’t) permitted to do. If the rules and prohibitions set out in these Park Rules are violated - this in each case to be determined solely by Madurodam - then access to the Park will be refused, the person will be removed from the Park and/or will be reported to the police (and/or the latter will be brought in). During your visit, think about your and everybody else’s safety and property, as well as that of Madurodam. Prevent dangerous situations and always treat each other with respect.
The Park Rules also contain provisions that lay down that visitors have no right to compensation and that limit Madurodam’s liability. You visit Madurodam at your own risk.
If the Park Rules do not provide for a particular situation then decisions will be taken by or on behalf of Madurodam’s board that must be complied with.
The same rules that apply on public roads apply in our parking areas. You must not drive faster than walking pace (5 km/h) and you must pay extra attention in order to look out for other visitors, especially children.
Vehicles must only be parked in the designated parking areas. In order to ensure that vehicle parking and arriving at and leaving the Park proceed smoothy, Madurodam’s instructions must be followed.
If you fail to follow the traffic rules and/or instructions (or fail to do so correctly) then we are entitled to remove your vehicle from the parking area at your own risk and expense.
Madurodam does not supervise the parking area.
Make sure your vehicle is properly locked up and that you do not leave any personal items, people or animals in it.
Madurodam has a kennel available for dogs - ask our staff for details.
If animals or people are left behind in a car then Madurodam will take immediate action itself, for instance by breaking one of the vehicle’s windows. The police will be brought in [to assist].
You use the parking area at your own risk. Madurodam accepts no liability for any injury (incl. harm, damage and loss) whatsoever.
If the parking area is full then our staff may refer you to alternative parking areas in The Hague to park in. Please plan your visit before you leave.
Bicycles and mopeds must be parked in the bike shed designated for them.
You enter the Park at your own risk and may only do so with a valid admission ticket. You must retain the admission ticket during your time at our Park and must present it to a member of staff when asked to do so. You may also be asked to show proof of your identity.
Children aged under 12 years can only enter the Park if accompanied by an adult. Every four children must be accompanied by at least one supervisor. In the case of school trips, the legislation and regulations for ensuring the personal (and other) safety of children apply. The schools are responsible in this regard. Madurodam accepts no responsibility or liability.
The admission ticket is valid on the day of issue or for the period for which it is issued. Opening times may be unilaterally amended by Madurodam, with the up-to-date information being shown on the website, so we recommend that you keep visiting it. When you leave the Park, your right to enter it ends.
Purchased admission tickets cannot be exchanged or returned, apart from for the statutory return period of 14 days.
Madurodam has a limited capacity, so in order to ensure the safety of other visitors, if the Park is too busy then we may ask you to return at another time, this to ensure that everyone’s visit to Madurodam is really something special. In this case, an admission ticket with a longer period of validity will be issued, which cannot be exchanged or returned. Madurodam accepts no liability for costs incurred if you have to change your trip or stay in (or change your) accommodation.
Madurodam can close the Park (or part of it) due to force majeure or special circumstances. In addition to how it is defined in legislation and case law, force majeure is deemed to mean all external causes (whether foreseen or foreseen) that Madurodam cannot influence and that result in Madurodam being unable to fulfil its obligations. In all cases, this includes - but is not limited to - fire, accident, illness, pandemic, work strike, emergencies & major incidents, riot, war, government measures, electrical faults, other technical faults and transportation problems. In such cases, purchased admission tickets cannot be exchanged or returned.
Offices, working areas and staff entrances in the Park are not accessible to visitors.
The following are prohibited/banned:
- Committing criminal acts or demonstrating unacceptable, hazardous, wanton or offensive behaviour;
- Bringing prohibited, dangerous or objectionable items into the Park, including weapons, ammunition, balls and toys;
- Bringing wheeled vehicles with you into the Park (such as hoverboards or skateboards, Inline skates, children’s bikes, scooters, and other electrical (or other) vehicles) but note that prams/pushchairs and other recognised aids are permitted;
- Bringing audio equipment with you into the Park, such as radios, party speakers or karaoke sets and/or making noise or causing an unnecessary disturbance either yourself or with the aid of equipment;
- Being present in accommodation areas, play areas and attractions not intended for that purpose - including in the miniature park - and/or going off the designated paths or using them for non-designated purposes;
- Being on Madurodam’s premises outside the opening times;
- Climbing on buildings, attractions and other possible objects that are not intended to be climbed;
- Swimming or wading in the water features;
- Using the buildings, attractions and other objects and facilities present in the Park in a way other than as intended;
- Endeavouring to or succeeding in wrecking, removing, disrupting, damaging or stealing attractions or objects;
- Bringing your own alcoholic drinks with you or being in possession of narcotic substances and/or being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs;
- Using items such as phones, Go Pros, selfie sticks etc. in an annoying way;
- Using drones in and around the Park;
- Leaving your own items behind in the Park, apart from waste in the waste bins.
Madurodam will be the sole judge of which behaviour and/or act(s) is/are prohibited and of how it wishes to enforce its rules and regulations. Madurodam’s standard procedure is to report the offender to the police in all cases.
In Madurodam there is a smoking ban in place in all buildings and outdoor areas, with one exception: smoking is solely permitted in the Park’s designated smoking zone. This also applies for e-cigarette and vapes.
Visitors are present in the Park - and use its places to be/stay, and its attractions, items, play equipment and facilities - entirely at their own risk.
All parents, carers and supervisors of children and/or groups are responsible and liable for the behaviour of and the acts of those whose visit to the Park they are supervising.
Parents, carers, supervisors and organisers indemnify Madurodam against claims made by third parties in connection with the injury (including harm, damage and loss) they suffer.
If you suffer injury during your visit to our Park then we ask you to inform us before you leave, as if you don’t report it until later then you will be unable to claim compensation.
Madurodam only accepts liability for property damage or personal injury such as physical injury suffered where this injury (incl. damage/harm/loss) is caused by a shortcoming that is attributable to us and that is the result of our wilful misconduct or gross negligence. Any other injury is expressly excluded, including any type of consequential loss/damage. Liability is limited to the price of the admission ticket in question, unless Madurodam is insured for that injury. Liability claims will be assessed by our liability insurer. Our liability is limited to the compensating of direct damage/loss and to the maximum injury sum we are insured for.
Safety rules
The warning notices and verbal or written directions and instructions issued by Madurodam regarding safety and welfare must be complied with.
Madurodam is entitled to search both visitors and their belongings as part of our safety monitoring procedures.
The visitors must use the paths and pathways for their stroll through the Park. It is expressly forbidden to deviate from these paths and pathways.
For reasons of safety and public order inside and outside Madurodam, visible cameras have been installed that can make recordings that may be used for enforcement and tracking purposes.
Personal property may be stored by visitors temporarily in the lockers available for this.
Waste must either be deposited in the waste bins or containers located on the premises or else taken away with you.
Visitors must hand over to our staff any foreign objects found on our premises.
Dogs and other pets are not permitted in our Park, not even if they are being carried in a pram or bag. The exception to this is that certified leashed assistance animals are permitted. Madurodam is authorised to refuse entry to animals - and if their ‘masters’ fail to follow instructions, the latter can also be refused entry or removed from the Park.
Madurodam has a kennel available for dogs. Please ask our staff or our Reception desk for more details.
Our Park is kept as clean and tidy as possible, and we assume that our visitors will behave properly too. However, you may still encounter something less pleasant; if you do then please let us know. You can either do this personally at our Reception desk or via our WhatsApp service desk, which you can access via QR codes displayed around our Park.
It may be that you accidentally cause injury (including harm, loss or damage). In this case too, you are expected to inform us before you leave the Park.
Promotions and sales
Unless you have Madurodam’s [prior] written permission, you are not permitted to carry out promotional activities or to sell services and/or items in the parking areas, on the forecourt or in the Park’s indoor or outdoor areas, or to make professional photo/video recordings.
Making public statements - including demonstrating, propagating beliefs (whether faith-related or political), disseminating flyers or using the Park for any promotional purpose whatsoever - is not permitted. Madurodam is entitled to decide whether its rules are being violated in this regard.
In the Park, the rules of the Dutch Licensing and Catering Act apply, as do other provisions. In the Park, no alcohol will be sold to persons aged under 18 years old. Anyone to whom alcohol is provided must be able to prove his or her identity.
Personal data
Madurodam warrants that it processes its visitors’ personal data in accordance with the GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulation, known in the Netherlands as the ‘AVG’) and with the other privacy-related regulations.
Madurodam processes personal data for its CCTV monitoring system that has been installed on the premises of Madurodam for access management purposes and with a view to ensuring the safety of visitors and staff, as well as to protect Madurodam’s premises.
Picture, video and sound recordings may be made of visitors in or by the Park by or for Madurodam. Madurodam can use these recordings for publication and promotional purposes. If you do not want to be in shot during your visit then avoid those areas where recordings are being made or tell a member of the staff or recording crew that you do not wish to be photographed/filmed.
Madurodam can also make picture, video and sound recordings of visitors and third parties and may process this personal data on the grounds of legitimate interests on the part of Madurodam for its own documenting or archiving purposes and for other purposes that may include communications, promotion, marketing and research. Picture, video and sound recordings may also be made by third parties, such as journalists, film or documentary makers or researchers.
For more information in this regard, Madurodam refers you to its Privacy Statement, which may be found on its website (www.madurodam.nl). The Privacy Statement sets out the rights of data subjects in respect of those processings of personal data where Madurodam is acting as the controller.
Recordings, photos, videos, posts posted on social media or on other external platforms that visitors use online or offline must not harm Madurodam’s reputation and integrity. If this rule is violated then at Madurodam’s initial request - or the visitor’s own initiative - the latter must immediately do all he/she can to moderate it and to undo any violation, either by removing the post/recording or by applying appropriate control measures.
These Park Rules are governed by Dutch law. The district court at The Hague is competent in this regard. The Dutch text of the Park Rules prevail over translations thereof.
We wish you a very enjoyable time at Madurodam!
The Hague, 5 July 2023
The Board of Madurodam B.V.